fredag, august 18, 2006

Life in the box

Welcome to IKEA. This is our catalogue. This is our warehouse. These are the lives we can offer you this year. Our bus will take you there, our bus will take you back – free of charge, of course. Pick and choose – our entire catalogue is at your disposal. Standardized design, flat packed, at reasonable prices. This is your IKEA house. Pre-manufactured, in bright LEGO colours. Get your IKEA pre-cooked meal. Take it home, unwrap, and just heat it up. This is your IKEA life. Your life in a box. It’s your choice. We give you all the pieces – all you gotta do is put them together.

1 Kommentarer:

18. august 2006 kl. 23:00 skrev Blogger Elisabeth

However, if you live like it is presented to you by us - in a box - then your life will be quite squared and predictable. It is therefore important to remember to step out of the box some times. Although a box may be convenient for the routinely things in life, make sure there are some improvised and unpredictable ones too... They are the ones you will remember, and the one who makes the whole thing worth while. Ikke sant?

Anbefaling: Finn en benk et sted der det ikke er mye gatebelysning. Sett deg. Len deg bakover. La hodet bikke enda lenger bak. La stjernene fylle hele synsfeltet ditt. Sitt der til nakken verker. Det gjorde jeg og to venninner torsdag kveld, og det anbefales.


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